Thursday, August 12, 2010

Walking in the Light !

In 1 John 1 we are told that God is Light and told to walk and live in the Light so we can have fellowship with one another (1 John 1:5-7).  The word fellowship is the Greek word "koinōnia" which means communion, intimacy, and real community.  In other words we can't really connect with another person if we don't walk in the light.  I realized that I was a darkness dweller for so much of my life and have carried these old patterns into my relationships with my new life "in Christ".  I would be frustrated with my wife because we weren't able to connect but I was hiding my innermost feelings, thoughts, struggles, and concerns.  I was sowing that darkness into our relationship and then looking at her when it began to feel miserable.  Through the Holy Spirit's revelation I realized it had nothing to do with her but a relational pattern I developed growing up with my mom that I was still letting into my life.  The darkness has such a pull- to hide, not be exposed, appear okay, and not burden others with your struggles.  The truth is that way you don't have to risk rejection, judgement, or some form of punishment.  Only believers can be brutally honest, walk in the Light, and know there is Grace.  The problems, issues, and insecurities we have that are in the darkness often get so twisted and blown up to much bigger than they actually are.  As children of the light it is no longer our nature to take part in the deeds of darkness (Ephesians 5:8-13) or the perspective of darkness.  It is the perspective of darkness that leads to discouragement and despair, which seems to be one of the Enemy's main strategies against believers.  When we look through the eyes of Christ given to us through the Holy Spirit we see that there is always hope.  The Lord spoke to me one time and said, "There is no hopelessness in My Kingdom."  In the Light there is always hope, love, truth, freedom, and life.  So if you have places in your life where you dwell in the dark (secretive, hidden, or dishonest) then consider this an invitation to come into the Light (God) and experience being a child of Light.

In His Light,

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