Thursday, June 17, 2010

Getting closer to Jesus?

So many Christians desire to be closer to Jesus and hear from God.  Biblically we have already been brought near through the blood of Christ (Ephesians 2:13) but I understand people want to experience intimacy with Jesus.  I have discovered that God does not do things on my terms no matter how bad I want it, this is what makes Him God and not me.  Intimacy with Him is on His terms of grace and the New Covenant not on what I think draws me closer to Him.  I was in our men's Bible Study where we have been studying "The Power of Blood Covenant" by Maclolm Smith for the past years (this is a meaty book).  I was struck as we were studying friendship with God that in a Covenant which is the giving of oneself to another person without reservation, that God has already given Himself in Christ.  Then why aren't we receiving?  Maybe it is because we are withholding ourselves from Him, there are many Scriptures about Jesus knowing us.  This type of knowing not knowing about but the greek word for intimate, personal, and relational knowing.  So if I am struggling with God revealing Himself to me, maybe I have not opened areas of my heart to Him.  I for so long thought that going to Church, reading my Bible, praying asking for things, begging God, and doing spiritual activities would draw me closer to God.  "If anyone loves God, this one is known by Him" (1 Corinthians 8:3), this Scripture tells us that to love God means to be known by Him.  This word known is the greek word 'ginosko' which is the intimate knowing of one person knowing another.  In John 10:14 we see the same theme, "I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by My own."  Both words for known in this verse are 'ginosko' both us being known by Jesus and us knowing Him.  These are all covenant words that having the meaning of giving of oneself to another and their giving of themselves (in this case Christ) to us.  This revelation helped me to see why, when I walk after the flesh and hide, protect myself, be dishonest with others, and avoid honest prayer, I seem to experience distance from God (though positionally I am in Him).  I believe desperation is part of the spiritual life but I also believe desperation led by the Holy Spirit will lead us to the paths of righteouseness for His names sake (Psalm 23).  I am learning that righteousness under the New Covenant is not earned but it is also not my way of living but submitting to God's way of grace to produce His righteousness in me.  I have for a long time seen the benefit of inner healing prayer where the lies about our identity are displaced with revealed truth but now I understand why this kind of deep vulnerability and brokenness is necessary to experience intimacy with Jesus.  I do believe while you cannot get closer (positionally) to Jesus than you are (if you are a believer), you can experience more of the intimate relationship that God brought us into by being "in Christ".  This also reveals why humility is key in the New Covenant to experiencing His grace, anyone who says they know grace yet hasn't opened hurting areas of their heart has mostly knowledge about grace.  I pray that this will be an invitation to go deeper with Jesus and be willing to open areas of your heart that you may experience the indwelling Christ.

In His Amazing Grace,

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