Friday, May 22, 2009

The Kingdom of God- Upside Down to the World

As I stared reading a book "Compelled by Love" I began to be reminded that the Kingdom of God is so different than the world system. The world system seems have an insatiable hunger for dependence on The Lie (self-sufficiency and independence) while the Kingdom of God is about humility, dependence, and desperation. I will be 40 this year and I can honestly say I have never been successful at living in dependence on The Lie. It seems I have never been successful at being strong, independent, or self-made. Yet Jesus tells me in the Sermon on the Mount, "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven." I have felt poor in spirit for most of my life, except for those moments where I soar high into pride only to fall flat on my face. In the book she talks about how the Kingdom of God is so manifest to the poor because of their absolute desperation and dependence. Desperation and dependence are very unpopular ideas in our success-driven, independent, and self-reliant culture. I had another opportunity to rely on the Lord. Each of us as supervisors for our Advanced Training students needed to say some words about them. I decided I would ask the Father if He had something to say about each person because my wise, intelligent, and polished words would not compare to what He had to say. I was nervous about sharing what I sensed was the Father's heart for each of these people because the word was very personal. How easy it would have been to rely on my own way and not take the risk. It was encouraging to see how the words the Lord gave me for each person touched their hearts and drew them closer to the Father. I realize depending on the Lord in a new way is scarey, yet reliance on myself has not produced security, freedom, or Fruit of the Spirit. I still don't like being needy, desperate, and weak but I am beginning to be more used to it. When Jesus said "Truly I say to you, it will be difficult for a rich man to get into the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 19:23), I always thought it was because of the man's riches. I believe it is because this man has learned to use his riches as his source of provision, protection, and identity. Thus the reason the it is difficult for the man to enter the Kingdom of God is because of relying on The Lie to make life work. I believe a person can have riches and yet be poor in spirit but it is more rare. I pray that the Holy Spirit will open the eyes of your heart (Ephesians 1:18) so that you would see the Kingdom of God, not for what you think (according to your filter) it is but by the revelation of the truth by the Holy Spirit. I realize that everything good is a gift from above, even the air I breathe today.

In His Kingdom,

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