Thursday, February 12, 2009

Enemy's Weakspot- Part 2!

The Lord keeps bringing me back to this topic. I have been sharing with my family 2 Corinthians 12:1-10 and just this morning we shared our weaknesses. But instead of the typical poor me/pity party we boasted by faith that God's strength would be made perfect in these our weaknesses. As I have moved into this revelation I have been shocked to realize how much time, energy, money, and other resources I have put into managing my weaknesses. Not having a father most of my life, being isolated and alone for much of my childhood, and not being your man's man has taken a lot of my resources to try to overcome. Ultimately I just failed because God was looking to do way beyond what I could do and that is that I would glory in and boast in my weaknesses. It is sad to admit how much time I have spent crying over the loss of not having a dad. It is a significant loss but compared to the riches in His glorious inheritance in the saints. No comparison. I challenge you to boast in your weaknesses by faith, as we glory in these we see God's power manifest. The revelation to Paul is opening up a window into Heaven, that we don't have to only pray to get rid of our weakness but instead delight in the revelation of God in the midst. As one speaker said it is not that reality on earth is not reality, it is that Heaven is a superior reality. We desire to see Heaven manifest on earth, this is truly God being glorified through us. I believe according to the Word that joy is part of the activation of God working in a situation and in us. Jesus endured the cross for the joy set before Him. Jesus had the grace (empowerment) to go through the cross because of that joy. God give us a revelation of the joy set before us, whatever we are going through right now. According to Ephesians 1:19 it is God's resurrection power that is at work within us. I pray His resurrection power into your circumstance, weakness, insult, or persecution.

In His Amazing Grace,

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