I haven't written on the blog for several weeks and I was wondering what the Lord was doing, He reminded me of John 12:24. This verse says,
"Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit." I believe the Lord gave me the idea of starting the blog and there was even some vision for it but I believe it has come to a death. There is no despair in this because God is the God of resurrection. I believe this vision (seed) must die for God to make it all He wants it to be and for Him to get all the glory. To be perfectly honest there are times I have written in the blog that I have thoroughly enjoyed and other times it was a burden. I am excited now because I can let go of this blog ever being something I wanted it to be, no more pressure, no more disappointment if people don't read it, and no more need to for me to try to get people to read it. I dedicate this new blog to the Lord and His purposes for it, I am not sure if He will rename it. I will let Him write through me what He wants to be made known, if I share from my life it will be under His leadership. The end result is His, I seek to simply enjoy Him expressing what is on His heart through me. So good bye and Hello. If you happen to read this and are led to pray for what He is doing through this blog it would be much appreciated. My wife and I were just recently discussing how we don't "pray" as much, simply because the old idea of constantly begging God for what you need has passed. In His grace we are beginning to act on what we know, that God has not withheld anything even His own Son.
In His Awesome Love,
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Praying :)
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