Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Need of a Father

Life is a journey that everyone is understanding as they go, no person on this earth has it all figured out yet we seem to act as though we do. I am so thankful for the God/man Jesus who showed us how to live as a son rightly related to the Father through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. As I continue through the rawness of my need for a Father, I realize this is not for discouragement but for the joy of discovering the Father. As God works in us through the Holy Spirit to reveal more of who He is and who we are, these revelations are building one on another. In 1 Peter it talks about us being built up as living stones on the chief cornerstone of Christ, these living stones are being built up through the revealing of God's amazing grace "in Christ" and seeing who we are. I believe that since Jesus pointed to the revelation of the Father as being His purpose on earth, that see the Father for who really is a big deal. There are times in my life where I hit these potholes where I feel lost, overwhelmed, and in a sense of darkness. I am now beginning to see it is because I am looking for a father but only find emptiness, darkness, and no direction. These are the very experiences that can lead me to the Father's arms if I will choose to see these as a Divine Opportunities, instead of focusing on my own inadequacies or weaknesses. It is definitely not my first reaction to rejoice in the midst of these times, yet I believe this is what the Lord is calling me to choose. We don't often believe Jesus when He says "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 5:3). Our society looks down on those who are in need but elevates the strong, the capable, the in control, and the ones who appear to have it together. Even in our churches we have pity on those who are in need looking down on them from a high position, yet those are the very ones Jesus said are blessed. I believe a major block to encountering a revelation of the Father is the carnal mindset on my wounds thus seeing Him through the eyes of hurt my earthly father caused. As I close this post I want to share a testimony of the goodness of the Father that is fresh off the presses, I just got a call from a man I talked with yesterday. This man was struggling because he had just lost his job, needed to pay rent, and needed $70 for a bus pass. This man was short the money to pay for the bus pass. In the past I would have sympathized with him and even prayed for him but not known what to say. The Lord gave me a word for him and that was that generosity breaks the spirit of poverty, thus he needed to ask God for seed to sow to see the $70 harvest. I think he thought I was a little nuts, I prayed for him and got off the phone. The man calls the next day to praise God, he went to church sowed a seed (he thought was too big). Then he just happen to see a former boss and he shared about sowing the seed. This former boss pulled out his wallet and $100 bill giving it to him. This man not only got his $70 but even more of a blessing. I pray that this man doesn't miss the revelation of the Father in the midst of the Spirit manifesting (Ezekiel 39:29). This is a small picture of the generosity and goodness of the Father to His sons and daughters. He knows our needs and intimately cares about us, if we will only believe His covenant tapping into His marvelous grace.

For His Kingdom,

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