Monday, January 11, 2010

Kingdom Timing

The world has a pace, a calendar, time schedules, and deadlines. Does the Kingdom of God operate on the same time frame as the world? The easy answer is no because we know that God's ways are not man's ways. As we are in the process of selling our house and moving to another house the Lord picks out, we are concerned about the timing. We are learning how to hear or sense His leading as we go through the process, instead of just looking at the situation and using our abilities to figure out what to do. This got me thinking about the reality of the Kingdom's timing, God is a God of order and He does have His timing. I remember reading a book that talked about the difference between chronos and kairos, first is where we get our word chronological. This is referring more to the linear time we are used to, i.e. calenders, clocks, deadlines, and schedules. But Heaven has it's own time frame, kairos time is the opportune time, the right time, or the decisive epoch waited for. In other words kairos time is when Heaven invades earth, the superior reality of Heaven changes the natural course of events. As I began this new year I took time to listen to the Lord for the year 2010, He spoke to my heart saying "I am changing your timing to be in step with Mine." I am not saying that we shouldn't follow daily schedules, keep a calendar, or ignore deadlines. I am simply saying that there is the higher reality of Kingdom timing. We as sons and daughters of God are not bound to this world's time frame, we are citizens of Heaven (Philippians 3:20) which means we have legal access to discerning Heaven's timing. In John 3:8 Jesus says, "The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit." Jesus is connecting something we are familiar with "the wind" and being able to see the evidence of the wind which is sound and the supernatural which is how born-again children of God are directed. So if we are truly being led by the Spirit of God, someone on the outside should not be able to easily predict based on the circumstances what choices we will make. We are guided by a relationship with Our Creator through the Holy Spirit not simply by our circumstances. What we are most attentive to and aware of is what we will end up serving. If we are aware of the season God has us in, we will be responsive to the move of His Spirit. A high priority in Heaven is relationships, you see Scripture continually elevate relationship with God and others above other things. The world is 180 degrees from the Kingdom, what is elevate is not relationship but personal gain, individual pleasures or lusts, and self-sufficiency. I want to hear/discern the rhythm of Heaven and begin to move with the moves of the Spirit, rather than being pushed and directed by the dictates of the world. I just had a client who was frustrated by where he is in life (still single, doesn't have kids, etc...), he was frustrated because all he was aware of was chronos and the passage of time. This client began to be aware that God's timing was different and that God had much more for him than he ever realized. I pray that we would cry out to our Abba to have His timing revealed and to be reoriented to the atmosphere of Heaven.

In His Grace,

1 comment:

Marie said...

I've enjoyed all of your posts, but this one really resonated within me. Thanks for sharing.