Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sin Reigning?

Paul exhorts us in one of the 5 commands of Romans 6, to "Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its lusts," (Romans 6:12). I relearned this again recently, when an emotional reaction of fear was triggered in me. Since I was raised in an environment of a lot of fear I have often justified and even justified the sin that is a result of obeying its pressure. This fear was triggered, which was rooted in lies that "I am a failure and all alone in it". As my emotions were flooded with this fear, it was difficult to not give into these beliefs and go down the road of despair and condemnation. This is the pathway that I had walked many times as a child but I know now that I am dead to sin and I don't have to let fear reign. Every one of us experience fear in our life to some degree, just like we experience anger, shame, or a myriad of other emotions (often rooted in lies). It is the path we choose in the midst of experiencing these emotions that will produce either life-giving fruit of fruit for death (according to Romans 7). I found after I was triggered that my emotions didn't immediately go back til a normal level, til I was willing to face what I really believe inside but also to not let sin (in this case fear which is the opposite of faith) reign. Many people will justify fear, anger, bitterness, envy, and jealousy. The Bible is clear these come from our old man (in Adam) and are not who we are in Christ. Specifically, the Word tells us perfect love casts out all fear because fear has to do with punishment (1 John 4:18). I admit that I let sin reign longer than I wanted to, it began to weigh me down. Instead of blaming someone else for my choices, even expecting God to choose for me when Paul clearly gives us (as New Creations) the command. I admit I hate the foreboding heaviness of fear and the darkness of not being able to see an easy way out. Since I spent so much time as a child in fear without an understanding of how to walk through it, it is a very well- worn path to death and not life. I praise God that I was able to be open and honest with a brother "in Christ" who gave me encouragement because of the Spirit of God in Him. I admit I was starting to go down the road of hiding from my family and turning inward. I am thankful for the Holy Spirit who shows me that my lie-based belief system has been triggered but that I don't have to obey it but renewed in the spirit of my mind (Ephesians 4:23). I want to encourage you and myself, fear is not normal to a child of God no matter what the circumstances. We all will experience fear at times (maybe even a lot) but we don't have to be consumed by it. I am so thankful that God loves me unconditionally, even when it feels like He is a million miles away. I pray my small testimony will encourage you in your journey with the Lord and take another step into His loving arms.

In His Love,

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