I have been on vacation so thus the absence but I am back now. Times of rest are so important. The Word tells us in John 7:37 "From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water." Jesus wants us to drink of Him and then out of our spirit will flow rivers of living water for healing and life to others. My question about what is the outpouring comes from my experience this morning. I woke up this morning after losing sleep the night before, so still somewhat fatigued and then I had some oppression. It felt like I was slogging through quicksand and my attitude matched, I was obviously not walking in the Spirit. I read the Word, spent some time in prayer, and even repented for being stuck but I continued on walking after the flesh. The Word tells us in Romans 8 that the mind set on the flesh is death. My mind had been stuck my dwindling support account, not making calls, and not wanting to deal with support raising. This progression led to a sense of hopelessness which was triggering some lie-based stuff in childhood. All this got me stuck in quicksand and then I started to drag my family into it with me. As I spent time with my son and daughter I became very focused on my daughter and her issues! Really who was having the issues but dad. My wife came home and was like what happened. We laughed as I called her on the phone later to apologize for being a dispenser of death and not life. Walking after the flesh is not only the wrong power source but begins to infect others around us with the aroma of death. So how do we have rivers of living water pouring out of us (Holy Spirit). I have found I need to be totally honest with God and myself about the power source I am relying on (flesh or Him). If the fruit is bad in my life, then it has a bad root (lies) and I walking after the flesh. Also the people closest to you can be a good indicator if you are walking in Father's love or after the flesh. The Enemy doesn't have to be right there working in our life for us to smell of death, he has planted lies/strongholds in our heart (usually in childhood) which will be triggered and bring forth death. I find that when I am not actively agreeing with the Word of God then I am vulnerable to agreeing with deception and then walking after the flesh. The Bible clearly points to Satan being stripped of his authority and the believers victory over darkness through the finished work of Christ, but there is a continual clash of kingdoms over our lives. We must stand in the finished work of Jesus Christ and take back ground in our lives that the enemy has claimed through deception. The outpouring of Christ's spirit (the Holy Spirit) within us results in His life being displayed (the Fruit of the Spirit), this brings life not only to us but to others as well. I pray this will bring some encouragement and the Holy Spirit will shine greater light on how He is working in your life. I believe we are in the "End Times" which means the darkness is getting darker and the light (Christ in us) is getting brighter. Let us stand in His strength.
In His Grace,
In His Grace,
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